Trucks are so powerful and heavy that they might easily destroy a passenger car in a collision. Trucks are common on Nevada roads. While truck drivers frequently take many safety precautions to protect both themselves and other motorists, truck accidents are still among the most common road accidents. Truck accidents are challenging because they usually involve several parties, like the truck company and the driver, and complex state or federal regulations.

The Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm has many years of experience fighting for truck accident victims’ rights. We know how a truck accident may impact your life and how to properly litigate these cases from start to finish to secure fair compensation for you. Contact us immediately if you were harmed in a truck accident for a cost-free case review.

Common Truck Accident Causes

Vehicle defaults are to blame for a lot of truck accidents. A truck could break down or swerve off course due to failing brakes, punctured tires, faulty equipment, and other problems. The law requires trucking companies to do routine vehicle inspections and repair any problematic vehicles to prevent possible accidents.

Fog, snow, and ice roads are examples of bad weather that could contribute to truck accidents. Truck drivers risk tipping over or sliding off the road if they lose control of their vehicle. Even in ideal weather, trucks are challenging to maneuver. Poorly maintained pavements and narrow roads can also cause accidents.

Truck drivers pose a higher risk when driving throughout the day. Even though they could have superior visibility during the day, they must share the highways with many motorists. They usually find the roads to be clearer at night while they are driving. As a result, approximately 80% of truck accidents occur on weekends, with over 30% occurring during the day.

Poor Lighting

Truck drivers could have restricted visibility at night if the highways or roads they are using are not well illuminated, which may result in the darkening of their blind spots. They might also find it more difficult to notice curves, narrower roads, or other motorists or motorcycle riders.

Poor Training and Maintenance

There are rules and specifications for how many training hours a driver must complete before operating a commercial vehicle. However, some drivers can drive despite not having such qualifications.

There is bad weather, whether wind, rain, or snow. Driving safely in poor weather requires a lot of practice and education, especially when operating a big rig. In bad weather, a trucker must travel considerably more cautiously than usual (and slower than the posted speed restrictions) to avoid hydroplaning, sliding, and jackknifing. The driver puts themselves and other drivers in danger if they are not taught how to handle hazardous driving conditions.

Before being allowed to drive, the trucking firm must inspect each truck, but this frequently does not happen. Maintenance has expenses and takes time, both of which are resources that the businesses know the money could be better spent on deliveries. Therefore, occasionally regular maintenance is neglected, and a vehicle travels without being serviced before the journey.

Equipment Failure

Drivers and those in charge of trucks, tractors, and trailers must routinely check the vehicle for mechanical issues and ensure it is safe to drive. Truck accidents frequently result from the brake, tire, steering, and suspension failures.

  • Brake/vehicle failure

Although truck driver error causes most truck accidents, this is not always the case. In some cases, the truck manufacturer or trucking business may be held liable because the vehicle was not properly inspected, maintained, or had a defective part. One reason for transportation accidents is brake failure.

  • Tires

Tire bursts are a leading cause of truck accidents in Nevada. Tires should be routinely inspected for wear, tire pressure, damage, and other issues. Truck drivers and others can contribute to accident prevention through routine tire maintenance and inspection.

  • Steering

Maintaining your vehicle properly can frequently stop accidents brought on by steering failure. Greasing steering joints, replacing worn-out components, and checking that the power steering fluid is present when required are all responsibilities of truck maintenance personnel. The failure of steering systems might result in catastrophic injury when routine maintenance inspections or driver inspections miss these issues.

  • Suspension

Trucks carry heavy loads and must be maintained and inspected regularly. Maintenance personnel and drivers must check suspension spring conditions, U-bolts, and other suspension parts. It is also important for drivers and cargo loaders to ensure that the truck is not overloaded during the trip.

Driving Under The Influence

The blood-alcohol content (BAC) limit is set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The BAC limit for commercial drivers is 0.04 percent, half the 0.08 percent BAC limit set for all Nevada drivers. Four hours after operating a commercial business vehicle, truck drivers are not allowed to consume alcohol. While on duty, they are not allowed to drink. Regardless of the situation, driving while intoxicated is illegal and can have serious repercussions for other road users and the drunk driver.

A trucker should never operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These drugs are known to affect judgment, reflexes, and reaction times, endangering the safety of the truck driver and other drivers.

Although it may surprise you, trucking has a high drug and alcohol abuse rate. Truck drivers sometimes use cocaine and amphetamines to keep them alert while driving. According to a recent survey, 30% of truck drivers acknowledged using amphetamines at work. 20% reportedly used marijuana, and 3% reportedly used cocaine. These drugs unnaturally alert drivers, but they also make them more reckless by forcing them to drive faster, change lanes without signaling, and perform dangerous maneuvers in inclement weather. The risk of drivers nodding off behind the wheel increases as soon as those stimulants start to wear off.

Overloaded Cargo

Specific weight, size, length, breadth, and height restrictions must be followed for each load. There are even stricter rules for managing the truck if it carries hazardous items.

Nevertheless, mistakes happen, which might result in a load that makes a vehicle overly heavy or prone to tipping. A load that falls into the road can cause a devastating accident. Hazardous substances could also ignite or lead to other hazardous situations.

Severe Weather

Inclement weather can make it harder for truck drivers to operate their vehicles and impair their vision. Fog, wind, snow, ice, rain, and other weather elements can result in serious injuries in multi-truck and multiple-car pile-ups.

Fatigued Driving

Regulations are in place to keep drowsy truck drivers off the road and to aid in their ability to drive when aware. A trucker cannot drive for longer than 11 hours straight without a break of at least 10 hours, nor can they drive for longer than 60 hours in a week or 70 hours in eight days. More regulations are in place to safeguard all road users, but occasionally these requirements are not maintained due to business scheduling practices, organizational culture, or individual motivations.

Truck driving is a stressful and high-pressure job. Trucking businesses frequently demand that their drivers deliver items to a specific location in a short amount of time. This indicates that they travel great distances while taking a few breaks and relaxing.

Sometimes, the distance to be traveled necessitates several days on the road, and the drivers enjoy too little sleep. As a result, they become less focused and coordinated, react more slowly to hazards on the road, and run the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel.

There are rules and restrictions governing how long a truck operator can drive in a shift, how much sleep they must have, and when they must take breaks. However, many businesses disregard these regulations, and driver weariness is still a major issue.

Unsafe Stopping or Parking

Unsafe parking or abrupt stops might result in terrible accidents. Unfortunately, these mishaps are frequently avoidable. Accidents can be avoided by truck drivers who drive defensively and make sure other drivers can see their trucks. The timely and effective deployment of cones and flares to alert approaching drivers is required by state and federal rules for trucks that must park in high-risk locations, such as on the side of a highway. Truck drivers can aid in alerting other drivers to the risk of a stopped vehicle by ensuring their vehicle has the proper safety equipment, such as emergency flashers and reflective triangles.

Aggressive Driving

Truck drivers are more likely to experience road rage since they frequently travel great distances, spend a lot of time driving, and may be under pressure to deliver their packages on time. They risk gravely hurting themselves and other drivers if they fail to give the right of way, tailgate, follow too closely, or cut off another car.

Distracted driving

Driving while distracted is a leading cause of injuries and wrongful deaths on the roads. Physical, mental, or a blend of the two types of distraction can all lead to distracted driving. Physical distraction occurs when a motorist diverts their focus and attention from operating the car to doing something else, such as grabbing something.

When motorists are mentally distracted, their attention is taken away from driving, and they become less focused on the road. Using a smartphone or texting while driving is two attention diversions that entail physical and mental diversion. Commercial truck drivers cannot use cell phones while operating their vehicles under federal legislation. But far too many motorists act in this risky manner.

There is a chance of calamity if a driver even briefly takes their eyes off the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that distracted driving contributed 10% of fatal incidents and 15% of injury crashes in 2015.

Over Speeding

A driver might try even if it is occasionally impossible for them to complete delivery in the time specified by their company.

Due to the pressure to meet deadlines, a driver may go faster than is reasonable for a vehicle of that size or even for the road conditions. Drivers are more likely to drive faster to reach there if they fear that they might lose their jobs if items are not delivered by a specified time. And doing so might require passing a small passenger automobile quickly.

If you have ever seen an 18-wheeler barreling down on you from behind in the rearview mirror, you will do whatever it takes to avoid it—swerving off the road or into another lane to move out of the way results in accidents.

Unfamiliarity With Roads

A new route or road should always be driven with additional caution. Too frequently, a driver unfamiliar with the road might make a serious error that causes harm to other drivers. To make the route as safe as possible for the truck to travel, intelligent truckers and trucking firms will also prepare the driver's route ahead of the trip. Using a delivery route with fewer risky turns is one example of this.

Poor Road Conditions

Not all roads are constructed or maintained to the highest standards. Truckers are taught to navigate challenging driving situations like potholes, narrow shoulders, and abrupt banked turns. Truck drivers, however, do not always pay attention or slow down as they ought to.

Who Is Liable For Truck Accidents

Those who need legal aid after a truck accident are encouraged to eliminate certain potential accountable parties. You will then have the opportunity to assert a claim against them by expanding on the prospective defendants.

Despite this, the likely culprits change based on the case's specifics. You should seek additional advice from a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer to determine who may be at fault for your vehicle accident. These include:

  • Traffic Officers Working at Road Intersections

Automated traffic lights are not available or do not work in some places. As a result, traffic officers regulate traffic at intersections and other congested road locations. They must direct drivers from various lanes into the intersection to prevent traffic from accumulating.

Giving improper directions could cause a collision between vehicles coming from different sides. Therefore, this is a delicate task. For instance, vehicles turning onto a separate road should not move forward at the same time as those driving straight. This could result in a T-bone collision, which is one of the deadliest collisions that take place. Therefore, the traffic controller may be held accountable for acting incompetently and causing a truck accident.

  • Road Maintenance Authorities

The government often designates many road maintenance bodies to guarantee that all road points are safe for use. These maintenance responsibilities include ensuring all road signs are correctly installed and spaced apart from obstacles. The maintenance organization should also clear the road of all trash and other things, such as boulders falling from the sky. A failure to act could pose a serious safety concern, especially for drivers not anticipating it. A maintenance authority's duties also include marking roads to designate lanes, crosswalks, and arrows that point in the right direction for traffic. Without them, a driver could easily drive into another lane and risk danger.

Additionally, the road maintenance authority should close all safety hazard sites on the route to keep drivers off the road. To do this, they can post "dead end" or "mo entrance" signs to alert people to the potential risk. Then, if you were hurt in a truck accident brought on by negligent road maintenance, you can talk about how to build a case against them.

  • Contractors Undertaking Road Construction

The contracting parties are required to make sure that high standards are upheld during the duration of a new road project. This ought to involve taking precise measurements while constructing roads and sidewalks. To further prevent the possibility of crumbling road portions, contractors should employ high-quality building materials.


However, some contractors could decide to take shortcuts during construction projects to encourage financial theft. Some people are also unqualified for their positions, resulting in poor roads. Consequently, because of the bad condition of the roads, you could be involved in a truck collision. For instance, the road contractors may be liable for improper management if a truck accidentally enters your lane due to a pothole.

  • Other Road Users

Your driving experiences will undoubtedly involve collisions with careless drivers who flout traffic laws. Similar to how the car accident occurred, it is possible that the truck involved in it had a dangerous run-in with someone else. For instance, the truck might have driven into your car if a third party caused a T-bone collision by running a red light at an intersection. The end consequence is a multi-vehicle collision with numerous fatalities, for which the other road users are responsible.

  • Truck Manufacturing Companies

Truck accidents can occasionally be caused by defective truck parts that were put together during production. To ensure the safety of truck drivers and other road users, all automobile manufacturers must construct trucks using standard-quality materials. The chosen materials should be able to survive challenging circumstances and sufficiently support the truck's weight.

The brakes and tires of a heavy-duty vehicle must be able to bear tremendous pressure. If a manufacturing error led to your accident, your lawyer can make your claims and convince the judge to hold the firm accountable.

  • Cargo Loaders Working with the Truck Drivers

As mentioned earlier, most trucks are employed for business activities like shipping. A cargo loader will then assist with packing the cargo into the truck before shipping can start. As the cargo loader is responsible for ensuring the objects do not fall off during the journey, this demands a certain amount of ability to complete.

However, some loading procedures could be hurried or carried out by staff who do not value secure packaging. As a result, cargo could accidentally fall off the truck while it is moving, causing a collision. The cargo loader may be held liable for the collision because they are largely responsible for ensuring that all merchandise is kept securely within the vehicle.

  • The Truck Driver

Truck drivers cause many collisions since they are in charge of running the truck while it is on the road. Truck drivers are frequently found to be at fault in accidents when driving while distracted or recklessly.

For instance, poor driving habits like texting, eating or handling objects while driving put you and other drivers at risk of collisions. Due to the impairment of their cognitive ability, drunk driving is another frequent mistake for truck drivers. Because of this, the driver may stray into your lane or force you to crash as you try to avoid the truck. All of these elements are admissible in court as proof of liability arguments.

A driver may also be held accountable for working without the proper paperwork and credentials. Truck drivers have specific licenses, especially those who use their vehicles for business purposes. The records, however, are only accessible after training, demonstrating that the driver possesses the necessary abilities. Therefore, if the at-fault motorist was operating without the required paperwork at the time of the accident, they should be held accountable.

Contact a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

As you recuperate, multiple costs associated with a vehicle accident can result in severe financial hardship. Given that you and your dependents suffered from the irresponsible activities that caused the accident, you should be entitled to fair compensation. Therefore, identifying the responsible party is crucial because it enables you to bring a lawsuit against them.

Due to the numerous legal requirements, going through the court trial process alone is difficult. On the other hand, engaging with a skilled lawyer gives you a better chance of obtaining a favorable result. You will collaborate with some of the top attorneys at Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm. Thanks to our many years of experience assisting victims in obtaining compensation from responsible parties, we have a lot of knowledge. Call 702-576-0010 if you or a loved one needs legal assistance with a personal injury.